C02*xx Record Sequence Error
The code at xx is an internal designation for one of the claim records.
This information was out of sequence or the previous required record was
missing. Call LTC.
C03*This field cannot be blank
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading was blank, that is,
there was no information entered in that field. It cannot be blank.
C04*Can't be same as Payor or Insrd #
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading cannot be the same as
the Payor or Insured Number.
C05*Length must be .... for this Payor
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be within the
limits stated at .... for this specific Payor.
C06*Can't be same as Payor No
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading cannot be the same as
the Payor number.
C07*Must be XXXXXX for this Payor
The insured ID must contain characters as described in XXXXX for this
payor. Alpha means the character must be a letter. Numeric means the
character must be number. Alphanumeric means the character must be a
number or a letter (no special characters like # or -). < means less than.
> means greater than.
C08*Student status req'd if age > 19
The relationship of this patient to the insured is that of a child. The
child must be a student if they are over the age of 19. The School and
School City may also be required.
C09*Modifier must be 2 characters.
The procedure code modifier must be 2 characters in length.
C10*Pre Auth must be paper-this Payor
This Payor requires that pre-authorizations be submitted on paper.
C11*Must be a number 00 through 36
The months remaining for Orthodontic treatment can only be zero through
C12*Must be valid Primary Tooth code
The Primary Tooth code must be one of the ADA standard codes.
C13*Elec PreAuth invalid-this carrier
This Payor requires that pre-authorizations be submitted on paper.
C14*Service charge can't be zero
No charge for the associated procedure code was entered. This is a
carrier specific edit.
C15*Record Count Error-found XX
The internal counts for the record type named under the "Field in Error"
heading did not balance. Please call LTC for assistance.
C16*Same day duplicate claim
This claim occurred more that once within this file or was submitted in
another file earlier today.
C17*Must be same as in B0 record
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be the same as
the corresponding field in the Batch Header record.
C18*Must be 4to6 digits for Guardian
The Group Number must be 4 to 6 characters in length for Guardian
C19*Must be numeric for Guardian
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be numeric (all
numbers) for Guardian insurance.
C20*999999 Invalid for Delta of CA
The Group number for Delta Dental of California cannot be all nines.
C21*Site record not found
The Site record for the field named under the "Field in Error" heading
was not found on the LTC database. Pleas call LTC for assistance.
C22*Must be 045 or 845 for Medica"
The Plan (Group) number must be 045 or 845 for Medica.
C23*Invalid control #, call LTC
The Patient ID number was not consistent within the claim. Please call
LTC for assistance.
C24*Numeric Overflow-Call LTC
An internal counter has exceeded the limit. Please call LTC for
C25*Invalid Code
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading contains and invalid
code. See the acceptable code list for this field.
C26*Must be a valid State code
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid two character State code.
C27*Invalid Zip for State xx
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid zip code for the State as shown at xx. It could be that xx is the
wrong State.
C28*Invalid Century, must be 18 or 19
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid century and year, i.e., in 1997 the 19 is the century.
C29*Invalid Year, must be 00 thru 99
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid century and year, i.e., in 1997 the 97 is the year.
C30*Invalid Month, must be 01 thru 12
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid month number.
C31*Day not within limits for month
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid day withing the month, i.e., 29 is invalid for February accept on a
leap year.
C32*Date later than Process Date
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading consists of a date
later than the date the claim was processed. The date is in the future.
The date must be the same as the process date or earlier.
C33*Date can't be prior to Birth Date
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading consists of a date
which is prior to when the person was born.
C34*Date can't be beyond Todays Date
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading consists of a date
which is in the future. The date must be the same at todays date or
C35*Can't be 6+ months old for DD of MN
The date of service for this claim is more that six months back. Delta
Dental of Minnesota will not accept claims more than six months old.
C36*Must be valid diagnosis code
Diagnosis codes must be one of the standard codes.
C37*Must be numeric data only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be numeric
(numbers only).
C38*Must be alpha data only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alpha
(letters only).
C39*Must be alpha data or ,.- only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alpha.
Exceptions are a comma, period and hyphen.
C40*Must be alphanumeric data only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric
(letters and numbers).
C41*Must be A-Z, 0-9, or /- & only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric.
Exceptions are a slash, hyphen, space and ampersand.
C42*Must be A-Z, 0-9 or /- only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric.
Exceptions are a slash and hyphen.
C43*Must be A-Z, 0-9 or /-&'. only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric.
Exceptions are a slash, hyphen, ampersand, apostrophe and period.
C44*Must be A-Z, 0-9 or /&,#. only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric.
Exceptions are a slash, ampersand, comma, pound sign and period.
C45*Must be A-Z, 0-9 or /.,- only
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be alphanumeric.
Exceptions are a slash, period, comma, and hyphen.
C46*Can't use repeating characters
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading cannot consist of
repeating characters, i.e., 9999999 XXXXXXX.
C47*A valid tooth code is required
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid tooth number.
C48*Tooth # req'd with tooth surface
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading requires that a tooth
number be supplied with this claim.
C49*Invalid Procedure Code
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
standard ADA/AMA procedure code.
C50*Must be paper claim for ...
The procedure code named under the "Field Contents" heading requires
that this claim must be submitted on paper for the Carrier shown.
C51*Invalid Payor ID, see Payor list
The Payor ID named under the "Field Contents" heading is not on the LTC
Payor list. Please check or Payor list or call LTC for a more current
C52*Blue Cross/Shield PIN required
A Blue Cross/Blue Shield Provider ID Number is required by this claim.
C53*Payor enrollment required
The Payor ID named under the "Field Contents" heading requires additional
enrollment prior to submitting claims electronically. Please call LTC.
C54*Too Many Procedures-Maximum is 15
A maximum of 15 procedure codes per claim is allowed for a paper claim.
C54*Too Many Procedures-Maximum is xx
The number at xx is the maximum number of procedure codes allowed for this
claim. The maximum for paper dental claims is 15, paper medical is 6. The
maximum for electronic claims varys depending on the payor.
C55*Must be valid Perm Tooth code
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must consist of a
valid permanent tooth code. They must be entered in sequence, smallest
number to largest number.
C56*Claim rejected due to batch error
This claim is being rejected due to a batch error. There may be nothing
wrong with this claim. Look at the batch reject reason. It is prefixed
by the letter B.
C57*Procedure Code must be 4 or 5 numbers
The field named under the "Field in Error" heading must be a numeric
procedure code.
C58*3000 series codes invalid.
The originater of this claim has opted to not allow claims with a 3000
series procedure code to be processed electronically.
C59*Can't be 3+ months old.
The originater of this claim has opted to not allow claims older than 3
months to be processed electronically.
C60*Must be 6to9 numbers for PhxHomeLife
Phoenix Home Life requires that the group number be 6 to 9 numeric digits.
C61*Claim rejected due to file error.
There was and error in the file header record or file level. All claims
within the file are automatically rejected. Look for the reject prefixed
bu the letter F.
C62*Can't = Group # for WI Medicaid.
The field described at the far left of this claim has the same value as
the group number. Wisconsin medicaid does not allow this condition.
C63*Must be 5 or 6 digits for NW Air.
The patient ID for Northwest Airlines must consist of 5 or 6 numeric
C64*No corresponding diagnosis
There is no diagnosis defined for the diagnosis pointer named under
"field in error".
C65*Clearinghouse requires enrollment.
This claim is being routed through another clearinghouse and that
clearinghouse requires the provider to be enrolled with them. Call LTC
for assistance.
C66*Invalid Name/ID for REHarrington.
The employer name is invalid for R.E. Harrington.
C67*Must be an A for the payor.
This payor handles automobile accident claims only. Therefore, the
accident indicator must be an A.
C68*Must be filed with HealthPartners.
This claim has a date of service prior to 2000. It must be filed with
C69*Must be filed with KVI.
This claim has a date of service after to 1999. It must be filed with
C70*Invalid City name.
The data displayed under "Field Contents" heading is not a valid name for
a city.
C71*Only 1 pointer allowed.
Only one diagnosis pointer per charge permitted for chiropractic claims.
C72*Svc From Date < First Consul Date
The start of services, or from date, cannot be prior to the first
consultaion date. It can the same or later.
C73*First digit of patient ID must be 8
The first digit of the patient ID for Blue Plus must be an 8.
C74*Invalid insured ID for this payor
The insured ID for the payor of this claim is invalid, details follow:
C75*Paper claims not allowed this submitter
This client has requested that we do not print paper claims for them.
C76*Charge can't be < 1.00 this payor
A procedure charge can't be less than 1.00 for the carrier in question.
C77*Invalid data
The data in this field must consist of a real ID or number. It appears to
be something that was "made up" such as "ABCDE" or "12345".
C78*Units must a whole # for Envoy
This carrier is a participating payor of Envoy Corporation. Envoy does not
accept a decimal value in the units field. It must be a whole number only.
C79*Discharge date < admit date
The discharge date can't be less (earlier) than the admit date. It must
be the same or later.
C80*Svc From Date < First Symptom Date
The start of services, or from date, cannot be prior to the first
symptom date. The start of services date must be the same or later than
the first symptom date.
C81*Invalid referring physiciaon ID
The referring physician's ID does not meet the edit criteria for this
payor. Call LTC for assistance.
C82*No payor marked to be billed
No payor in this claim has been marked to be billed. At least one payor
must be billed. Call LTC for assistance.
C83*Facility name can not be office
You have stated the services were performed outside of the office or
home. Therefore, the facility name cannot be the same as the office name.
C84*Facility address can not be office
You have stated the services were performed outside of the office or
home. Therefore, the facility address cannot be the same as the office
C85*Invalid state code for this payor
This carrier does not have an address in the State code that you entered.
Either the State code is incorrect, or the payor does not operate in this
C86*Invalid zip code for this payor
This carrier does not have an address at the zip code that you entered.
Either the zip code is incorrect, or the payor does not operate in this
zip code.
C87*Name length must be > one letter
The name must be at least 2 letters in length.
C88*Anesthesia minutes must be > zero
There must be a value in the anesthsia minutes field for an anesthesia
C89*Referring Provider Name Required
If a referring provider ID is present, a referring provider name must
be present also.
C90*Referring Provider ID Required
If a referring provider name is present, a referring provider ID must
be present also.
C91*Tooth # and Quadrant not allowed
Delta Dental of MN does not allow a tooth number and quadrant code to
be present in the same claim.
C92*Must be combinations of .....
The data must be some combination of any of the characters listed.
C93*Medicaid PIN required
A Medicaid Provider ID Number is required with this claim.
C94*Svc From Date <> Hospital Dates
When there are hospitalized dates on the claim, the start date of
service must be within the range of the hospitalized dates.
C95*Svc To Date <> Hospital Dates
When there are hospitalized dates on the claim, the end date of
service must be within the range of the hospitalized dates.
C96*Place of Service info required
If the place of service was not in the office or home, the place of
service info is required.
C97*Hospital Admit Date Required
If the service was for a hospitalized patient, the date the patient was
admitted to the hospital is required.
C98*Relate must be Self for this Payor
The relationship between the patient and insured must be self for this
payor. The relationship cannot be spouse, child, etc. This is probably a
Medicaid or Medicare payor.
C99*Svc From Date > Provider Sig Date
The start date of services is greater (later) than the provider
signature date. The provider cannot authorize the claim before it exists.
CA1*Paper claims not allowed
This submitter has requested that claims with no payor ID be rejected.
Normally they are printed to paper and mailed.
CA2*Service Dates Can't Span Years
The dates of service in the claim must all be within the same year.
CA3*Teeth must be listed in sequence
The tooth numbers must appear in order from lowest to highest.
CA4*Svc To Date < Svc From Date
The service end date (if present) must be equal to or greater than the
service start date.
CA5*Units must be > zero
There must be a value in the units field that is greater than zero.
CA6*Svc To Date > Provider Sig Date
The end date of services is greater (later) than the provider
signature date. The provider cannot sign a claim before it exists.
CA7*Secondary Payor not Allowed
LA Medicaid does not want secondary payor information sent on a claim.
CA8*Sim Symp Date > Accd/Symp Date
The similar symptom date is greater (later) than the accident symptom
date. The similar symptom date must always be prior to the accident date.
CA9*Special Program Reqd with EPSDT
When the EPSDT indicator is set, a special program code must be sent
as well.
CAA*Prior Auth and Acutal Charges Mix
Prior authorization (Pre-Dermination) requests can't be mixed with
actual charges. File in separate claims. A charge with no date of
service is assumed to be a pre-determination. You have charges with
and without a date of service.
CAB*Invalid NPI, must be 10 digits
The NPI must consist of 10 numeric digits.
CAC*Charge Amount Err-found XX
The internal charge amounts for the record type named under the
"Field in Error" heading did not balance. Please call LTC for assistance.
CAD*NPI Required for this Carrier
An NPI is required effective 03/01/2008. There was no NPI in the input
file and we do not have one on our database.
CAE*Invalid Place of Service Code
The place of service code is not an accepted code. Contact LTC for a
complete list of accepted codes.
CAF*Invalid Secondary Segment Name
The name of the secondary segment is not a valid segment name.
CAG*Invalid Procedure Code Qualifier
The SVD procedure code quailifier must be one of the following:
AD, HC, IV, N1, N2, N3, N4 or ZZ
CAH*Invalid CAS Group Code
The CAS group code must be CO or PR
CAI*DTP Qualifier must be 573
The Secondary DTP segment qualifier must be 573.
CAJ*DTP Date Format must be D8
The Secondary DTP date/time format must be yyyymmdd/hhmmss.
CAK*Patient & Insured Names Different
The relationship between the patient and insured is Self, but the
names are different.
CAL*Invalid CAS Reason Code
The CAS reason code must be one from the list of valid codes.
CAM*Zip Code must be 5 or 9 digits
The Zip code must consist of either 5 or 9 numeric digits.
CAN*Patient release (box 12) requird
The patient release of information to process the claim is blank (box 12)
or set to no. The claim cannot be processed without the patients
CAO*Invalid Document Contro #
The document control number is invalid. It must be in the format of
ADC#XXX.... where XXX is the document control number consisting of at
least 3 characters. There can be no imbedded spaces.
CAP*Paper not Allowed for this Payor
This payor will not accept paper claims. Must be submitted electronically
CAQ*Prior Authorization Required by BHP
BHP requires a authorization ID for every claim. This is to be sent in the
Prior Authorization field.
CAR*Secondary File not Found-Call LTC
The name of the file containing the secondary insurance information is not
found. This is an LTC internal error, please call LTC for assistance.
CAS*Facilty ID must be an NPI
The ID of the facility were services were performed must by an NPI.
CAT*Invalid Facility ID
The ID of the facility were services were performed must be an NPI or a
Tax ID
CAU*Facility ID Required
This claim requires the ID of the facility were services were performed
CAV*Invalid Primary Paid Amount
The amount paid by the primary must be in the format of:
PAMT:xxxxx.xx where xxxxx.xx is the amount paid by the primary. Leading
zeros are not required. You may enter a comma if the amount is over
CAW*Referring Provider and ID Required
A referring provider and ID are required by this payor.
CAX*Patient & Insured Births Different
The relationship between the patient and insured is Self, but the
birth dates are different.
CAY*Original Reference Number Missing
When sending a claim which is a correction, replacement or void, the
original reference number (carrier assigned claim number) must also be
CAZ*Invalid Frequency Type Code
The frequency type code (claim submission reason) must be 1 (original), 7 (replacement) or 8 (void).
CB1*SVD PayorID Must Match Primary PayorID
The payor ID in the SVD segment (amount paid by primary) must be the same
as the payor ID of the primary payor.
CB2*No Primary Paid Date
The date the primary paid their portion of the charge must be present,
even if nothing was paid.
CB3*No Primary Paid Amount
The amount the primary paid for their portion of the charge must be
present, even if nothing was paid.
CB4*Only 4 Pointers Allowed
There is a limit of only 4 diagnosis pointers per charge.
CB5*Zip code must be 9 numeric digits
Billing and Place of Service zip codes must include the zip + 4.
CB6*Invalid Pointer Value
There can be only 4 pointers with values of 1 through 8
CB7*Invalid Taxonomy Code
Invalid taxonomy code. Check both billing and rendering taxonomy codes.
CB8*Claim Ctl # Required
When sending a resubmission code, the claim control # issued by the payor
is also required.
CB9*Resub Code Required
When sending a claim control #, a resubmission code is also required.
CBA*Can't Mix Place of Svc Codes
Only one place of service code per claim allowed. e is also required.
CBB*Invalid CLIA Number
The CLIA number must consist of 10 alphanumeric characters.
CBC*No Diagnosis Code for Pointer
There is not diagnosis code to correspond with pointer value.
CBD*Can't Process Tertiary Claims
We cannot process claims with 3 insurances at this time.
CBE*Missing a Diagnosis Code Pointer
There is no pointer to any diagnosis code.
CBF*Paper Claims not Allowed in MN
Minnesota has a law that says all claims must be submitted electronically
CBG*NDC Code Must be 11 digits
An NDC code must consist of 11 numeric digits
CBH*Payor Claim Ctl # should not be sent
When a payor claim ctl # is sent, the claim frequency must be 7 (replacement)
or 8 (void).
CBI*Weight Measurement Code Required
When the weight is give, a weight measurement code must be entered.
CBJ*Invalid Weight Measurement Code
if a Weight Measurement Code is given, it Must be LB.
CBK*Weight Amount Required
if a Weight Measurement Code is given, the Weight must also be given.
CBL*Invalid Weight Amount
The weight amount must be numeric.
CBM*Trans Reason Code Required
The transportation reason code is required.
CBN*Distance Measrmnt Code Reqd
A distance measurement code is required and must always be DH for miles.
CBO*Invld Distance Measrmnt Code
The distance measurement code must always be DH for miles.
CBP*Mileage Amount Required
The distance traveled is required.
CBQ*Invalid Mileage Amount
The mileage amount must be numeric. A period is acceptable.
CBR*Drug Code Required
The procedure code starting with J requires the national drug code to be
CBT*Code Must be 11 or 12 Digits
The drug code must consist of 11 or 12 numeric digits.
CBU*Invalid Drug Units of Measure
The drug units of measure is required and must be one of F2, GR, ME, ML
or UN.
CBV*Drug Units of Measure Invld
The drug units of measure must be one of F2, GR, ME, ML or UN.
CBW*Drug Units Amount Required
The drug units amount is required and must be numeric integers.
CBX*Drug Amount Must be Numeric
The drug units amount must be numeric integers.
CBY*Drug Name Required
The drug name is required.